Certify your future

CAV is a cooperative of commercial nurseries established in 1982 to assure quality production of healthy plant material.

Who We Are

CAV is a cooperative of commercial nurseries established in 1982 to assure quality production of healthy plant material. It has quarantine (i.a. screen houses) and field facilities for Pre-base material conservation and the production of post-assay and indexed healthy Base (mother) plants for its associated partners and outside customers in compliance with national, EU and international certification standards and schemes under the supervision of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Phytosanitary Service. Our lab is also authorized to conduct plant health assays for certification and registration of grapevine clones. – Read More

The first of its kind in the national industry to secure UNI ISO/IEC 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories) accreditation through the national ACCREDIA organization (see Accreditations below) in 2009, our lab provides testing of plant material using protocols and techniques of biology, microbiology, serology and molecular tools and instruments like optical microscopy for assays (see Laboratory Tests below). ISO/IEC accreditation was granted for serological testing of the major viruses affecting fruit-tree and strawberry-plant material as listed in Italian Ministerial Directive (DM) of 20 November 2006 for Virus Indexing (see attachment).

Prior to and in application for ISO/IEC accreditation, CAV had been accredited by the Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy (MIPAAF) for health testing of fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants for major pests and diseases and for virus indexing (see provisions DM 14 April 1998 and 9 August 2001 with permits issued by Emilia-Romagna Regional Authority Det. No. 8750 of 1998 and No. 1329 of 2001).

More about Accreditation

PH. +39 0546.47150 - FAX +39 0546.47189 - MAIL: [email protected]
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